The coordinates of Dromund Kaas, the ancestral capital of the Sith Empire, were lost until the Great Hyperspace War Sith seeking to avoid destruction at the hands of the Jedirediscovered the world by chance. Following a crushing defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the handful of surviving Sith desperately sought to escape annihilation at the hands of their Jedi foes. It is from here, on Dromund Kaas, that the dark hand of the Empire reaches ever outward. Ceaselessly, the Empire worked to raise both army and fleet in preparation for their inevitable return to the greater galaxy. For up-and-coming Moffs and Imperial intelligence operatives, success – and survival – hangs on the ability to master these games of intrigue. Even though the planet is bristling with the energy of the dark side, it is the Imperial military that has the largest visible presence on Dromund Kaas. On the remote jungle world of Dromund Kaas, the Sith have spent a thousand years building their mighty war machine to prepare for an assault on the Galaxy. Swtor MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance Dromund Kaas is achievement you can find under Legacy > Achievements > Location > Dromund Kaas > Exploration > Droid Reconnaissance: Dromund Kaas.This achievement counts for 10 achievement points, and it is a part of main Droid Reconnaissance Achievement called The Droid’s You’re Looking For ( Legacy > Achievements > Location > General > … I got my first one, my main, to dromund kaas and the first issue was that my map went completely blank the second i moved and there weren't any symbols for my quests or otherwise leaving me very lost for quite a while until i eventually found my way out of the spaceport.

It can be found near the +2 Endurance datacron. Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

For those who desire power, there is no other choice of where to establish a stronghold. In-game, the player (as Mara Jade) treks through the swamps and temples, eventually facing Kyle Katarn in the heart of the catacombs. Behind the Sith and the powerful Imperial military is the vast network of agents, information gatherers, deception specialists and strategists that makes up Imperial Intelligence.